Opening Hours

  • Monday09am - 05pm
  • Tuesday09am - 05pm
  • Wednesday09am - 05pm
  • Thrusday09am - 05pm
  • Friday09am - 05pm
  • Saturday-SundayClosed

Women Empowerment Cell

WEC mainly aims to empower girl students in addition to sensitize all issues related to women (both students and faculties) and to make the college campus a safe place for women students and faculty members.

The cell also aims at creating awareness of their rights and duties. It also provides a platform for women to share their experiences and views regarding their status in the society and to suggest ways to improve and empower themselves. The cell mainly stands for facilitating women’s empowerment through guest lectures, seminars, awareness programmes and other welfare activities. WEC will step forward with specific objectives and plan of action by focusing quality activities for the well-being of girl students.

WEC - Objectives

SKU College of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Objectives of Women Empowerment Cell

  • To ensure that the rights of women are protected in the institute and they work or study here with equal status and rights.
  • To motivate girl students to undertake activities that strengthen their confidence and make them believe in themselves.
  • To train female faculty, staff and students about general economic and social issues.
  • To make people explore themselves by indulging in new activities.
  • To conduct workshops with a motive to train girls about self-defense, health benefits and skill development.
  • To empower women to face situations during difficult times at home and at workplace.
  • To conduct NSS activities related to women, for their upliftment, growth and emancipation.
  • To bridge the gap between students and teachers by maintaining a cordial relationship between them.
  • T specially strengthen women scavengers and lower cadre workers of WEC by educating them in a best possible way, with the motive of making their lives better.
  • To create awareness on equal opportunity for women that will ultimately lead to improved attitude and behaviour.
  • To bring about attitudinal and behavioral change in adolescent youth of the opposite gender.
  • To provide a harassment free working atmosphere, by identifying and fixing responsibility on the concerned persons for ensuring equal treatment of and participation by women in all areas.
  • To conduct programmers for ladies to empower them financially, emotionally, mentally and physically.
  • To Deal appropriately with reported cases of sexual harassment, abuse or discrimination, and initiate action against particular grievances in respect of unfair treatment due to gender bias.
  • WOMEN EMPOWERMENT CELL - Committee Members

    SKU College of Pharmaceutical Sciences

    WEC - Committee

    The WOMEN EMPOWERMENT CELL (WEC) Committee was reconstituted in the college for the Academic Year 202-2021 with the following members

    S.No. Name of the Member Roal Designation
    1. Mrs. K Swaroopa Rani Co-Ordinate Teaching Faculty
    2. Mrs. P Sathya Sowmya Member Teaching Faculty
    3. Mrs. V Rajani Member Teaching Faculty
    4. Mrs. R. Saillela Member Technical Faculty