Opening Hours

  • Monday09am - 05pm
  • Tuesday09am - 05pm
  • Wednesday09am - 05pm
  • Thrusday09am - 05pm
  • Friday09am - 05pm
  • Saturday-SundayClosed

National Service Scheme

National Service Scheme

SKU College of Pharmaceutical Sciences

The very objective of NSS, SKUCOPS takes care of the "Vision 2020" dreamt by Dr. Abdul Kalam, an alumunus of this institution.

"Service to others is better then the recitation of chants, hynms and prayers."
- Mother Teresa.

Just like the Amnesty, International, Red Cross Society,.etc, NSS is the brainchild of the Indian Government to induce the spirit of serviceness, considering the young turks form the majority of the working population.

NSS Activities Reports

NSS Activities

NSS Awards